Thursday 1 November 2012

Arts & Crafts: Do Your Characters Make Stuff?

So. Yesterday was Halloween. When I was a kid, I LOVED Halloween. Mainly because that meant DRESS UP TIME and CANDY. Now I only like the candy part of Halloween. I don't really know why, but costumes don't get me as excited as before. 

I do, however, love seeing other people wearing costumes. My favorite costumes are the ones people make themselves instead of buying at a store. The dedication behind costume-making is intense, y'all. I'm in awe of those of you who can whip up something from nothing, then wear it like a boss. Seriously.

This whole costume design fixation (and fashion design in general) led me to wonder about characters and their stuff. Clothes, jewelry, hair accessories, you name it. My WIP has a character who designs and makes stuff, although they're more of the sharp-pointy, totally-can-kill-you variety. :) But I've yet to write about someone who just sits down and creates things they can wear, either for themselves or others. 

I'm curious: do your characters make stuff? If so, what do they make? Does it hold a special place in their hearts, or is it something they must do out of necessity? 

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