Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year's Do Something New Resolutions


We all know that New Year usually begins with the dreaded resolutions. All those things we'd like to try to do (maybe tidy that one cupboard/drawer where all the odd bits of junk/take away menus/old batteries live) or hope we can keep up (like the dreaded January detox after the holiday food has been eaten). 

I used to try to make resolutions, but I tend to find my resolve falters around February (and my family suggesting that I, "Maybe try buying less books this year" is NEVER going to happen. EVER).

So each year I resolve to do something new. Something I know I can keep going or, even better, something I can focus energy on AND be productive at the same time. And, as you might have already guessed, most of my new things revolve around writing. 

I may decide to plot that story idea I've had brewing in the back of my brain. I could try writing a genre I've never tackled before. I might get out an old MS and edit or recycle it (my thought is that there's usually something salvageable in any shelved manuscript that deserves a second chance, right?).  

I open the New Year's Do Something New challenge to you. What new thing would you like to do this year? 

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